While the temperatures drop in the Northern and Southern hemispheres every year the Cubans have it simple there in the “middle”. It makes me laugh how with 17 degrees the Cubans, including me, talk amazed about how cold it is. My grandma must be with a turtle neck sweater and two blankets watching TV.
Although, now that I have survived a few REAL winters I can say that Cubans are not completely wrong. While up in Canada we freeze outdoors in the month of January, we can be sure to get home to a warm wooden floor, a heated room with perfectly sealed windows isolating you from the outside and making you forget for a minute that winter even exists. Â None of that happens in Cuba. Over there everything feels colder. The floors are made of tiles, the houses are pure concrete, there is no heating or fireplace and if the temperature goes down to 15 you will be taking a shower or a bath in a room that most likely will have a tiny breeze coming in from the window.
Thanks to the geographical position the Cuban winter only lasts a couple of days, otherwise I will have to keep listening to my mom saying that she could not go out because it was so cold (12 degrees) and me telling her “you don’t know what cold means” will not shut her up. Â 🙂