Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban

I was having a fun Sunday, sitting outdoors and playing board games with some friends when I realized that one of my friends from Cuba was calling me from “Mexico”. Instantly, my Sunday got better. I know this friend is currently in Havana, using the Viber account he once created in Mexico and that allows […]

Ya va faltando poco para la exposición de la artista cubana Nadia García Porras en la Fábrica de Arte Cubano. Aquí les dejo la invitación para aquellos que estarán en La Habana el 16 de Agosto y se puedan dar un saltico por la F.A.C. Esto va a estar muy interesante! Yo, como estoy lejos, […]

  There was a time in Cuba in the 80’s when holding an American bill could send you straight to jail. Even having American money at home was considered a crime. Those times were over in the 90’s, during the “Special Period”. The help from the Soviet Union was over and the birth of the […]

Ya me habían dicho que no había papel sanitario en La Habana, que estaba perdido, que llevara una reserva por si acaso, pero que era seguro que la iba a necesitar. Yo primero protesté y me negué a llevar papel conmigo, pero dos días antes de partir a Cuba, mi madre me pidió de favor […]

“¡Destacada no, vanguardia! Pero eso a mí no me importa para nada.”- me responde mi madre en un correo. Mi mamá ha sido destacada y vanguardia tantas veces que ya otro reconocimiento más en su centro de trabajo no es noticia. Qué noticia puede ser algo que al final no le ha resuelto nada en su vida? […]

I miss the road, I miss airports and train stations, I miss the sound of my backpack clips closing telling me we are ready to go, I even miss plane toilets… ok, maybe not plane toilets 🙂 I miss all this while we are doing what my husband calls: travelling within the city. He is […]

Every Cuban I know who lives out of the country sends money to their families in Havana, regardless of age, financial situation or how long they have been out the country. There is only one answer to this: no matter if you send $20 or $2,000 it is going to help the people you love […]

Categories: My Havana City | 2 Comments

La Ciudad de La Habana no es un ejemplo de pulcritud para los viajeros que la transitan. Muy lejos de ser una capital limpia, La’bana está llena de polvo, polución y basura.  Si tienes el hábito de echar tus desechos en un contenedor de la calle, te percatarás de que puedes caminar cuadras sin encontrar […]

Every non-Cuban friend thinks that people in Cuba are already enjoying the recently activated fiber-optic cable, which finally connects Cuba to the fast internet world. I wish it was as easy as connecting a magical cable in order to bring enough speed to our relatives and friends on the island, at least enough speed to […]

Desde Hong Kong: Hoy me bebo una cerveza Tsing Tao o dos para celebrar el cumple de mi Habana, o mejor escrito, de nuestra Habana. La ciudad pertenece a quien la habita y a quien la camina, aunque sea por unos pocos días, como también es del que siempre la lleva en el corazón. La Habana […]

Rice is a product that you find on the table of each Cuban family every day. It explains why the rice cooker is so valuable in a Cuban kitchen. When I was growing up there was no way to buy a rice cooker at the regular stores, only a few Cubans had the privilege of […]

One positive thing I noticed since I am in Havana this June is that summer fruits are all over the place and luckily the production is high or at least higher than previous years. Huge mangoes and incredibly sweet mameyes are being sold at the market. Beautiful pineapples and papayas decorate the trucks of private […]