We have been living around the Toronto Kensington Market and China Town area for over a month now. The neighbourhood is always active and there are endless spots to discover or known places to come back to. Running downstairs to grab a bite to go does not take more than 15 minutes. We have been […]
I used to love the month of February while living in Cuba. It is the time of the year when you can walk around Havana without sweating, you can wear your hair down, get into those pants that have been hanging in your closet for a while and put on closed shoes without roasting yourself […]
I was having a long conversation with a Cuban friend who recently moved to Canada. She is one of the “lucky ones” who benefited from the new Cuban immigration law which allows Cubans to travel without the exit permit card. This friend is a family doctor who had been waiting for three years to get […]

Friday, February 8th, 2013 Non-stop snowing in Toronto! I woke up this morning with the task of getting out of the house for a couple of city shots. There is a beautiful photo opportunity when the snow is still white and fresh. The city keeps functioning and Canadians are not afraid of the minus temperatures, […]
I keep hearing the phrase “Everything is money!” and although I agree it is true in today’s world, it does not mean that I like it and that I accept it easily all the time. Since I came back to Canada I’ve come back to reality, I have landed in many new and old ways, […]
It looks that we will be staying in Toronto at least until springtime. The family needs us around for a while so we have decided to find a short-term rental in the downtown area, preferably by the subway line and ideally in the Annex neighbourhood. Nowadays, Toronto is not a cheap city in any way. […]
We are back to Toronto after spending eight fabulous days in London, UK. The greatness of London was increased by the fact that we had few really good friends around this time and we managed to see them and explore the city in the midst of the Diamond Jubilee craziness. British are famous for being […]
In the last week I have been going back to places and people that I miss when I am out of Toronto and also discovering and doing new things. It almost feels like a trip to Havana since you have to spend time with family, friends and you are constantly running around to get to […]
I am back to Toronto and its surroundings for a few days now and I still feel like a stranger in the city. I am enjoying my time here after four months of absence but not having our old place downtown makes me feel disconnected from the Toronto I am used to. It is amazing […]
It is Christmas Day and first day back in Canada! We will be visiting Toronto for the next three weeks and the city welcomed us with no snow and 2 degrees. Thank you, T-dot! 😉 I was afraid of a snow storm or -18 degrees, like when I moved to Canada in December 2005. Today […]
Today an incredible Canadian leader has left us. I woke up this morning and read the news with great grief. To me Jack Layton was not only the New Democratic Party (NDP) face but also the downtown Torontonian that was known for understanding his community and the needs of the city. Only two months ago […]
Today I went out for lunch to The Pilot,  a Yorkville restaurant with a nice rooftop patio ( The Flight Deck). I kept looking at a city full of tall buildings and cranes. Some of the buildings are relatively new, some will be finished in a year or so. Small businesses and outdoor parking lot spaces […]