Second Burning Man and back! I still believe that this festival is something out of this world.
The Playa and the whole city seemed so familiar after a year that it almost felt that we never left. It was weird not to see the same faces, the camps not set up the same way or locations but the memories stayed so vivid that even the particular smell of the dust could be recognized. 🙂
It was great to see some people again, with the same energy and the need to return to Black Rock City. I hanged out at center camp, biked everywhere I could and yet could not see everything that the city was offering. The nights were colder than last year but the music, the colours, the art cars and vehicles throwing flames kept us warm and far from the sleeping bags.
From live jazz at 4 am to snow cones at noon those street findings might be the coolest in the world. Home in the desert. And it is only there for us one week of the year.