Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban

A Horacio Oliveira   Te dije nos veremos y no ocurrió, tú tenías tu piel enferma de vida. Hay copas manchadas y ceniceros sucios que también son el amor el recuerdo. Pero estoy sin gatos en esta ciudad donde prometimos encontrarnos, estoy sin poemas sin necesidad sin mar. No hay invitaciones, tanto que me gusta […]

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Ladies and Gentlemen: I do not listen to rap music but this song deserves a thumbs up.

Después de un fin de semana soleado y caluroso ha vuelto el frío a Toronto. Yo que tenía como próxima tarea guardar las botas y sacar las faldas a la calle tendré que atrasar el inicio de “mi primavera” al menos una semana más. En días como estos, en los que el calor no parece […]

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La tarde esta caliente!

I am speechless. What will happen in Cuba? To be continued…

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I used to love the month of February while living in Cuba. It is the time of the year when you can walk around Havana without sweating, you can wear your hair down, get into those pants that have been hanging in your closet for a while and put on closed shoes without roasting yourself […]

I was having a long conversation with a Cuban friend who recently moved to Canada. She is one of the “lucky ones” who benefited from the new Cuban immigration law which allows Cubans to travel without the exit permit card. This friend is a family doctor who had been waiting for three years to get […]

Categories: Español | Add a Comment

En La Habana yo tengo vecinos que adoro, que me han visto crecer y me han dado cariño y café a granel.  Estos vecinos tan queridos, me han asistido con libros, pastillas, sal y hielo, han servido de mensajeros y hasta de consejeros espirituales en ciertas ocasiones de mi vida. Si uno ha vivido en […]

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For many people, the use and mix of two languages or more is absolutely natural. They are of the opinion that “melange” is the future. If you are growing up in a city like Montreal (English and French) or Miami (English and Spanish) chances are that you are going to replace some words without even […]

Winter has really arrived. I know it when I start searching for random Cuban stuff on internet. This time, I found the singing of the endemic Trogon (Tocororo).  The video quality is not great but the sound makes your imagination fly and you think that you are lying on the green grass of a Cuban […]