I keep hearing the phrase “Everything is money!” and although I agree it is true in today’s world, it does not mean that I like it and that I accept it easily all the time. Since I came back to Canada I’ve come back to reality, I have landed in many new and old ways, […]
I have some updates regarding our stay in Toronto: We have found a sublet to stay for the month of February and March! We visited a gorgeous apartment on College St., right beside Kensington Market and a few blocks away from China Town. As soon as we got there and saw the location, the light […]

Once more we come back to Canada for the holidays. The year 2012 has been an eventful one for us and we are still trying to decide if we will travel more in 2013 or if it is time to settle and go back to what people call “real life”. I guess we will have […]
Summer is coming and some friends, specially students, want to visit their families in Cuba for a month. Purchasing an airplane ticket from Canada could be tricky if you want a direct flight to Havana. For Cubans living in Toronto the options are few: Air Canada and Cubana Airlines. Until 2005, Taca used to fly […]
In the last week I have been going back to places and people that I miss when I am out of Toronto and also discovering and doing new things. It almost feels like a trip to Havana since you have to spend time with family, friends and you are constantly running around to get to […]
I am back to Toronto and its surroundings for a few days now and I still feel like a stranger in the city. I am enjoying my time here after four months of absence but not having our old place downtown makes me feel disconnected from the Toronto I am used to. It is amazing […]
It is Christmas Day and first day back in Canada! We will be visiting Toronto for the next three weeks and the city welcomed us with no snow and 2 degrees. Thank you, T-dot! 😉 I was afraid of a snow storm or -18 degrees, like when I moved to Canada in December 2005. Today […]
I am officially jobless and homeless. Last night we finally finished packing and said goodbye to our first apartment in Toronto. With all these mixed emotions I didn’t have too much time to think so I am still in the process of getting used to the changes. The only thing I can say is that […]
Today an incredible Canadian leader has left us. I woke up this morning and read the news with great grief. To me Jack Layton was not only the New Democratic Party (NDP) face but also the downtown Torontonian that was known for understanding his community and the needs of the city. Only two months ago […]

Four more weeks to go and I will be out of Toronto for a while. In the MEANtime I am working, continuing the extense process of emptying out an apartment and finding things to do/spending time with friends in the city. Not much time left to sleep I suppose. This past Friday I went to […]

Today I passed by Chinatown (Spadina Street) and found that they were selling 3 guavas for 5 dollars. The guavas had a good size but they were green, hard and did not smell like Cuban guavas 🙁 (sorry I get so specific) Besides, I think that this guava was white inside and the red ones […]
Not another fool’s day joke! I just found out that the Cuban hip hop band Ogguere will be at Lilly’s Lounge next Thursday at 9:30 pm ( 656 College St.) I expect to see lots of Torontonian Cubans there. Ogguere is a duo from Havana that became really successful after recording the video for their song: […]