Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban
The legendary Ceiba tree
Categories: Cuba Inside Out

The Ceiba is a very special tree for Cubans. In Havana, in front of El Templete, building where the city was founded in 1519 and the first Christian mass occurred, there is a big ceiba tree and people go around three times on every birthday of the city for good luck, hope and to wish that their dreams come true.

In Santiago de Cuba, back in 1898, at the end of the Cuban-Spanish independence war, the Spanish army surrendered to the USA under a Ceiba.

Ceiba is sacred for the Yoruba religion and you are not allowed to burn it or cut it down before consulting the orishas for permission.

For Cubans the Ceiba is saint, it is the tree of power and mistery. Even touching or looking at the Ceiba can make you stronger.

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