Life, Culture and Travels from the perspective of a Cuban
Winter as One of my First World Problems
Categories: TorontoNTERO


"No se adaptan al frio"/"They cannot adapt to the cold"

“No se adaptan al frio”/”They cannot adapt to the cold” Harold Lopez Munoz


This winter has been the toughest I have experienced (my winter history goes back to 2006) and it seems we will be surviving it until April.

Great White North fun is not over yet.

Today, we have -11 degrees Celsius (12 F) and everyone is out celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. We are only a few days away from the “beginning” of the spring. I think we will celebrate the official day with our winter coats, again. At this point, an ice storm with a week of power outages during Christmas time, heavy snowstorms and low temperatures consistently for the entire winter should be f’ing enough.

Fortunately, we have had a few wonderful surprises this season. Two of our friends came to visit Canada in February and I met a girl from Cordoba, Spain who made my time at work way more interesting. Everyone is now gone, but this bitter – cold Toronto winter will be remembered as a warmer one, perhaps because of the friends we had around and the wonderful moments we shared.

While friends in Cuba and Bahamas think they have winter (21 C and sunshine) I take my hat off to Canadians because they are easily the most resilient crowd I have ever seen. While people in Europe are already out in terraces and picnicking at parks on Sundays we are still having conversations about snow storms and shovelling. Weather is a hot topic over here.

I have the feeling that this spring (if there is one) and summer are going to be crazy in Toronto. When all this locked – up population gets out of the cave to enjoy the warm weather the city will turn wild. Wait and see. I cannot wait to see flips flops, green grass and ice cream trucks. Most of all, I want to pack my VIT D pills, winter clothes, skin lotion and hairdryer… forever.


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